[Contest End!] Winner for the Haiku Competition!

So after much deliberation, many rounds of Yamazaki single malt whiskey, and bottles of Guinness Draught… I have a winner for Bluetooth haiku contest. The last two poems recieved really shook up the competition. It was like a rather lively duel. It was tough as these new poems really shook things up. However… Once the dust settled… There was one clear winner.

I would like to announce Sol Badguy as the winner of my contest! Congratulations!

Silverware is for Food, Not Ears

Spoon and fork cause frustration
Silverware that can’t do squat for ears
Spoon and fork beckon bluetooth

Rei came very close… so I may see about sending her a “runner up” door prize from the “prize closet” of ZeroXR 13mg. I will give her posterity and show case her poem. The rest… Due to the lackluster showcase of entries… I will leave them in the grave. I leave you with Rei’s haiku.

Oh Aliph Jawbone
You pwn my H350 (pronounced three fifty)
It crackles too much