Positive Confirmation for Blackberry Curve 8900 Release Date

My favorite unofficial T-Mobile news site (TmoNews) has confirmation from a T-Mobile spy mentioning that they have some more positive confirmation from their forum stating so far (unless subject to change) the date is pretty much solid.

Mark your calendars Blackberry fans and Blackberry Curve owners wanting an upgrade… Unless there are things that delay the release… the date will be February 18, 2009. For those who don’t know how long that is… here’s a countdown clock for poops and giggles. Keep in mind, this is based on me being on Central Time (-6 GMT), if you’re on other parts of nation… Adjust accordingly!

Zero’s Feature Article Coming Soon to BerryTastic!

Since my Blackberry romance… It’s opened some doors for checking things out and learning a lot about one of the industries best devices. I ended up putting myself available to contact directly via Blackberry Messenger and that turned an interesting curve (no pun intended – Zero). I ended up talking with Jess from BerryTastic and she just had asked me if I could write a Blackberry lifestyle article. I would gladly oblige to sharing my talent and passion.

After a tiresome day, I managed to punch one out and got it submitted. It just now is pending some final details and soon it should be gracing their pages! Stay tuned here and once the the article goes live… I’ll post a link to it!

Much love,

Blackberry Blitz Clears – One Phone Emerges: The Blackberry Curve 8900

A while ago, I had posted in my “Blackberry Blitz” article saying that T-Mobile may be gutsy enough to swing for 3 Blackberry devices to be sold ’round February. However, ’round Christmas, there were confirmations that T-Mobile decided to nix the idea of buying up the Blackberry Bold. Places like PinStack and Blackberry Forums were reporting that they had confirmed reports from T-Mobile spies saying any hopes of the Blackberry Bold coming aboard were very much dead.

Then this little gem popped up on TmoNews:  “Blackberry Curve 8900 Release Date…” and a similar article over at Boy Genius Report. The summary of both articles is really more or less positive confirmation of T-Mobile shooting for a release date of 2/18/2009 for the Blackberry Curve 8900. This is rather awesome news as I have enjoyed my Blackberry Curve 8310, but on (hopefully) upgrading to an 8900 series I want to go to a phone that I know will satiate me for a fairly good while. Should all go well and T-Mobile not encounter any other snags, I will silently wait for the release of the Blackberry Curve 8900.

Then the rumors of the Storm for T-mobile have gone cold… but I don’t mind it so much. Cause well… I am not much for a touch screen Blackberry! LOL! Though some speculate from Crackberry’s posting that the Storm 9520 series heading to Rogers of Canada may be a sign that the Storm could be heading to T-Mobile. I personally think it has a fair shot of landing with AT&T as well… However in that posting… I am far more interested in their release of the Blackberry Pearl Flip 8200 that has wi-fi AND GPS! Oh well, I suppose that’s a rant for another time…

ZeroXR 13mg is now MOBILE PHONE compatible!

I decided to install Alex King’s WordPress Mobile Edition plug-in to the site after viewing a post over at PinStack and the site shows up very nicely via my Blackberry! This plug-in should also be compatible in the most minimalistic phones like Motorola RAZR2’s to even Windows Mobile phones. I hope this will allow users who don’t have a laptops/desktops/iPhones to view my site the ability to have entertaining reading on the road.

Let me know how some of you all like it!

Ode to Blackberry

Research in Motion, who’d have thought I misunderstood your devices… The most time initially I had ever spent on a Blackberry device was, at most, 20 minutes. After spending almost 48 hours with my own Blackberry Curve 8310, I now understand why the corporate types love them. They are rock solid. They are logical and tactile. They are very work/business focused. It’s no wonder that people go absolutely love them after the slight learning curve. I mean to have a device and not have it crash when it’s your alarm clock is absolutely beautiful.

For those wondering what I got… It’s a Blackberry Curve 8310 (GPS model) and I just got the USB sync/charger cable and the sleeve for it.

Sure, the caveats are things like you have to get a Blackberry Internet Service plan to really enjoy things like mobile web, Blackberry Messenger, Facebook Mobile, AES encrypted e-mail transactions, etc. Even minor things like for MMS, you need net plan too. However, for the majority of things the device offers… I could tolerate looking into a Blackberry net plan. Hell, I may consider it highly considering how much I am now tied down to my e-mail with either light fan e-mail or some insider news.

I will end this post with my humorous “remix” to the “club tune” of yesteryear, Crime Mob’s song “White Tee”

Fuck an iPhone, I look clean with my Blackberry” – Zero

Elite L80 Chemistry 111 Exam, Defeated!

So… Exams… What a beating. For some of you who are my friends and/or readers, you know that chemistry has been one subject I have flogged myself to death with for being a real bugger. I know at some points some of you all even observed me just being in pure panic, almost like the fear of having a razor blade about 1 millimeter from slashing my eyes. I have fought my battles and some… I did well in and at one point, I had an A in chemistry (after salvaging things) but that quickly put me back in the realm where my other peers were…

Continue reading Elite L80 Chemistry 111 Exam, Defeated!

Happy Anniversary of ZeroXR 13mg! One Year of Evolution!

Ah… One year ago, I remember talking to Merinda about websites. She was fixing to launch hers and she said something along the lines of this quotation:

Sometimes you have to make a name for yourself and a brand to showcase your own ideals to the world. Start something and watch it grow~!

I weighed those words heavily and then took up her offer to refer me to Dreamhost. I am very glad I did take up her offer as I have branded myself online and the best part… I have watched my writing evolve tremendously. I started out feeble but quickly learned to revisit old works and build from those. However… I cannot give myself all the credit. I had many others help build me as a writer. My good friends from the Dallas Ubuntu Linux group, those helped me a ton. There was also my two lovely guest writers who flank me. The lovely Miss Wyno and the honored Miss Ivy, I thank them for aiding me on proofing and even revising. Then there was the greatest influence… My small grouping of fans.

Some of you were just fans of my site back when the older Vox hosted site was running. Some of you joined up when I decided to feed an RSS line into Facebook. Some of you became fans when I had just gotten my cheap business cards… Then some of you recently became fans from knowing me at school and being curious of the web address on my contact card. From that… I watched 1-5 hits a day become 20 – up to 60 a day on some days!

I would like to thank you all for 1 year of evolution. One year of change and embracing the principle: “Evolve or Die”. I know I have a few things I need to fix to grow even stronger as a writer. Some of you all have had the courage to help say “This needs to be better” or “That is good!” For those of you, I am glad you drop feedback! I look forward to even more good things later on!


Signing off until the Anniversary of ZeroXR 13mg

So… with exams starting tomorrow… I decided to hit “home” at Whitley hall early. Family was instigating a minor verbal scuffle, so naturally, I was fighting to escape ASAP and focus on a good mentality. In my demonic haste… I packed up all the stuff to stabilize my laptop’s life, but failed to pack up the power cord.

With the sad shape of my battery, I only have 3 hours of power over 3 days. From that, it nixes any gaming I may desire as well as randomly browsing 4chan/7chan/711chan/0chan for amusement. The only thing is… I am cut off from my loved ones who speak to me via instant message or e-mail. This probably depresses me the most of all things.

At the same time… It’s a sign from my divine beneficiaries that if I am to start off my week with the worst battle first, I will have to fight until the bitter end. There was apparently a blessing to any Chemistry 111 and 211 students from my professor that the grade from the final exam will also replace the lowest grade from the standard exams. So for me… I will fight onward to ensure a stable victory. I am not asking for an A in Chemistry as the last few things have diminished that very quickly… But to manage a C is the objective and a B to be a “bonus” objective.

History and Math I am not too worried about… I have done my work so I am alright there.

For my family, friends, and fans… If you wish to give me kind words: Send me a text message. If you need me to talk to you for encouragement, give me a call. My phone is now my life line until Wednesday, December 10th, 2008 at 1pm.

Also, December 10th is the first year of ZeroXR13mg and zeroxr.com’s existence. Any celebration should be reserved until 12/10/2008 after 1pm.

Thanks for the support for either my academic life or the life of this site… From here on out… I will lock down Suzaku and sign off from my laptop. I look forward to coming back live on Wednesday. For those of you taking exams with me… Good luck to you!

Rumor Mill – The BlackBerry Blitz May Be Coming to T-Mobile…

So… With RIM making an aggressive attack and failing badly cause 2 mobile phone companies somewhat screamed at them to get the BlackBerry Storm out to market… (ahemVodafoneGlobalVerizonbastardsahem) This has caused RIM to have a bit of an issue of creating a negative image for the Storm. However… some have made mention that with the new firmware upgrade that was officially available from Verizon and Vodafone, it seemed to clear some issue up. However, there is the issue reported on various users on the web saying that some of the hardware buttons have fallen off! If you want to see some of the bad press generated… Check out Wired’s Blog from their Gadget Labs here.

However… Lucky for RIM, their BlackBerry Bold has gotten them quite good praise. To have wifi, GPS, and 3G while being as stable as it’s predecessor the 8800 series… RIM has hit the person who wants a powerhouse corporate communicator. It both has corporate beauty as well as casual beauty. There’s also the matter of the BlackBerry Javelin (or it’s other name, the 8900 series Curve 2) pending its release soon to the US. So far, Rogers Telecom Canada has it, but rumors shroud its US release. The Javelin is one of the devices that follows more the principles of the 8300 series Curve, it’s not quite as hardcore as its cousin the Bold.

I was reading this post over at TmoNews and some of the users mentioned corporate tidbits that February 2009 may be the month of the BlackBerry for T-mobile. The reasons for that being…

  1. Verizon didn’t pay big money for a 6 month exclusivity for the BlackBerry Storm 9530 in America… They only paid enough cash to get 90 day exclusivity. So for the GSM release, it was a bidding war between AT&T vs T-Mobile and T-Mobile won the battle. The day that Verizon’s 90 day exclusivity ends would (in theory) end 2/21/2009. Three months would be plenty of time to let RIM perfect the Storm as well as engineer one for the GSM/3G bands for T-Mobile. I would make an assumption that for T-Mobile, based from the forum posts and things around the web (like other users) that T-Mobile’s version may be called the BlackBerry Storm 9520 with stuff like myFaves, HotSpot@home, wi-fi and possibly GPS on the phone. I just hope the GPS is REAL GPS and not that sorry excuse of GPS found on the BlackBerry Pearl Flip.
  2. The speculated release date of T-Mobile’s BlackBerry Bold has been speculated from first quarter to even second quarter of 2009. The only thing is… November was when AT&T got the Bold 9000. It seems AT&T fell into the same trap as Verizon with not fronting enough cash to get a 6 month exclusivity period, but managed to get just 90 days. I don’t remember the exact release date for the AT&T BlackBerry Bold, but I would assume it’d be close to 2/21/2009 that the Bold’s exclusivity to AT&T wears out. Should this be true… T-Mobile’s Bold may be called the BlackBerry Bold 9020 but just bundle a few additional features like HotSpot@home and myFaves; while hopefully leaving alone the fact that it has true GPS on it.
  3. Floating rumors say that because T-Mobile Germany has the BlackBerry Javelin, that it is destined for T-Mobile USA. There was also some rumors that another BlackBerry was supposed to come out end of the year for T-Mobile in conjunction to the BlackBerry Pearl Flip. However, it doesn’t look like the Javelin is coming out this Christmas. Naturally, I could see it coincide with the February blitz of BlackBerries and possibly some promo around then too like a possible rescaling of BlackBerry net plans.

Should the speculation and rumors be true… I may just hold on to my phone until February and wait for the BlackBerry Blitz. That would give me much more equal footing to things like giving BlackBerry devices equal footing to the G1. oi vay… Decisions, decisions…