I took it easy on myself today. A short run on the stride machine, then a brisk set of strength training and that was it. I had did work on my arms, chest and lower back today to give my upper back and abs a break from Tuesday’s routine. Today wrung me out pretty good from the stride machine as my average heart rate is now about 165 beats a minute. It seems I am slowly strengthening my heart with my workouts and the higher rate of oxygen intake is definitely a big help. Proper breathing can do such wonders if used properly.
Stride Machine
- Duration: 25 minutes + 5 minute cool down
- Resistance Level 6
- 321 Calories
- 2.72 miles
Incline Press Machine
- 35 lbs
- 2 sets
- 12 reps each
Arm Curls
- 40 lbs
- 2 sets
- 11 reps each
Back Extensions
- 2 sets
- 5 reps each